Faculty Details

Sujit Sekhar  Moharana

Communication, OB & HR
Assistant Professor
Type of association

Sujit Sekhar  Moharana

  • BTech in Metallurgical Engineering (Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang)
  • MTech in Cryogenic Engineering (Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur)
  • MBA in Human Resource Management (Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar)
  • PhD in Human Resource Management (Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow)

Sujit Sekhar  Moharana

Dr. Sujit Sekhar Moharana is a BTech (IGIT, Sarang), MTech (IIT Kharagpur), MBA – HRM (XIMB), and PhD (IIM Lucknow). Subsequent to completion of his doctoral studies, he joined IIM Ranchi as an Assistant Professor and is actively engaged in teaching and research activities. In terms of research, his interests primarily pertain to personality psychology with specific emphasis on dark traits. He has also co-authored a book on Contemporary Organizational Behavior dealing with the application of Micro and Macro OB with a focus on Indian organizations. He has experience of teaching multiple subjects of HRM, namely, Micro – OB, Macro – OB, Competency Management, Total Rewards Management, and Occupational Testing & Measurement. Further, he has taught various MDPs covering both industry practitioners and online learners. Apart from academics, Dr. Sujit is an avid stock market enthusiast and regularly trades the market.

Sujit Sekhar  Moharana

  • Paper titled “Grandiose or Vulnerable? Narcissism subtype dictates type of materialistic pursuitpublished in Personality & Individual Differences (ABDC - A; ABS - 3). (Year - 2025)
  • Paper titled “When the dark one negotiates: Sacrificing relations at the altar of money” published in Personality & Individual Differences (ABDC - A; ABS - 3). (Year - 2024)
  • Paper titled “Who exploits? The trusted one, the dark one, or both?” published in Personality & Individual Differences (ABDC - A; ABS - 3). (Year - 2023)
  • Book titled “Contemporary Organizational Behavior”, coauthored with Prof Nishant Uppal published by Wiley India (Year - 2022)
  • Paper titled “Dispositional Greed and its dark allies: An investigation among prospective managers” published in Personality & Individual Differences (ABDC - A; ABS - 3) (Year - 2020)

Sujit Sekhar  Moharana

International Conference

  • Paper titled “Dispositional greed and its dark allies: An investigation among prospective managers” selected for the 36th EGOS Colloquium 2020 held at Hamburg, Germany
  • Paper titled “The Antagonistic Dark Core among Dark Triad, Sadism, Greed, and Spitefulness: A Network Approach” selected for the 20th EURAM Conference 2020 held at Dublin, Ireland

National Conference

  • Paper titled “Dark Core & Antagonism” selected for the Ninth PAN-IIM Conference, 2024 held at IIM Sambalpur
  • Paper titled “The Antagonistic Dark Core across Dark Triad, Sadism and Spitefulness” selected for the Seventh PAN-IIM Conference held at IIM Rohtak, 2019
  • Paper titled “Antagonism and Dark Triad: A facet level examination” selected for the Sixth Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management held at IIM Trichy, 2020

Sujit Sekhar  Moharana

Taught across different MDP programs, covering multiple sessions, across IIM - Lucknow and IIM - Ranchi covering a variety of subjects such as

  • Talent Acquisition Analytics
  • Gamification in HRM
  • Basics of HRM
  • Recruitment Analytics
  • Competency Mapping, and
  • Leadership and EQ.